Conferences, Workshops and International Visits |
Training of Trainers TOT. International Academy for Training and Development IATD, Cairo Egypt. Sep. 2017 |
Different conferences about ICT and Digitization in Education, Palestine 2015-1017 |
Different Blended and Flipped Learning conferences and workshops. UKM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2013-2014 |
Regional Conference on Teacher Policies in the MENA Region, Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Columbia University Middle East Research Center, World Bank, Amman, Jordan 2011 |
Middle East Network on Innovative Teaching and Learning (MENIT) Regional Conference with GIZ: Amman, Jordan. Three days each year of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 |
E-Marketing and Online Business, online workshops. 2012-2017 |
Policy Forum – Establishing an UNRWA Teachers’ Policy, UNRWA: Jordan. 29-31 March 2011 |
MENA-OECD Governance Program and Joint Learning Studies on Integrity: Implementing a Code of Conduct for the Public Sector; Amman, Jordan. 03-05 August 2010 |
SPSS workshop, Ramallah, Palestine. 2010 |
Building Capacity for the Commission for Developing the Teaching Profession CDTP, through UNESCO,. London, UK. (1-9) November 2009 |
Arab Robotics Open Championship,. Amman, Jordan. (27-29) March 2009 |
Building Capacity for Teacher Education Strategy study visit through UNESCO. Finland. (9-19) Nov. 2007 |
International Computer Driving License (ICDL) (60 hours), HULUL, Ramallah, Palestine. Aug. 2007 |
ICT in Education Regional Meeting, British Council, Cairo, Egypt. (28-30) Apr2007 |
ICT in Education Regional Conference, British Council, Amman, Jordan. (25-27) Feb2007 |
School Focused Development Conference, , British Council, Amman, Jordan. (5-7) Nov.. 2006 |
Training Skills, (50 hours), Assabq Society for creative Thinking, Palestine. summer 2006 |
Training and Human Resource Development Conference, The Hashemite University – Center for Studies, Consultation & Community Service (CSCCS), Amman, Jordan. (27-29) June. 2006 |
Train the Trainers TOT, European Institute of Public Administration – European Center for the Regions (EIPA – ECR) Lisbon, Portugal. (13-17) Mar. 2006 |
ICT in Education Regional Conference, British Council, Cairo, Egypt. (28-30) Mar2006 |
Strategic Planning, (20hours), National Institute for Administration, (PECDAR), Palestine. Oct. 2004 |
Code of Ethics, (20hours), , National Institute for Administration, (PECDAR) Palestine. Sep. 2004 |
Train the Trainer TOT in Management and Leadership, (35hours), UNICEF, Palestine, June 2004 |
Management and Leadership, (35hours), , UNICEF, Ramallah, Palestine, May-June 2004 |
Teaching Methodologies that Promote More Effective Learning, International Visitor Program IVP., USA. Jan 24th 2004 – Feb 16th 2004 |
Teacher Training Directors Conference, Tripoli, Libya. September (13th – 19th ) 2003 |
Training of Trainers TOT, (30hours), Birzeit University, Ramallah, Palestine. Dec,2003 |
Seminar on Elementary and Secondary School Education for Palestine, at Kyushu International University (KIU), Feb. 5, – March 14, 2002. JAPAN |
Project Management Workshop (35 hours), , PASSIA, Ramallah, Palestine. Feb. 28 – Mar. 3 /2001 |
Access workshop (60 hours), , Ramallah, Palestine. 7 – 9/2000 |
Cognitive Acceleration through science Education CASE/CAME Conference. UK. 10-18 May 2000 |
Cognitive Acceleration through science Education CASE/CAME Conference. UK 10-18 May 1998 |
Summer Teaching and Curriculum Institute, Harvard Graduate School of Education and Ministry of Education, Ramallah, Palestine. 4-26 July, 1995 |
Participating in more than 1000 hours for trainees and trainers in education strategies, project management, administration, planning, leaderships human development, ICT and digitization |