
Conferences, Workshops and International Visits
Training of Trainers TOT. International Academy for Training and Development IATD, Cairo Egypt. Sep. 2017
Different conferences about ICT and Digitization in Education, Palestine 2015-1017
Different Blended and Flipped Learning conferences and workshops. UKM  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2013-2014
Regional Conference on Teacher Policies in the MENA Region, Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Columbia University Middle East Research Center, World Bank, Amman, Jordan 2011
Middle East Network on Innovative Teaching and Learning (MENIT) Regional Conference with GIZ:  Amman, Jordan. Three days each year of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
E-Marketing and Online Business, online workshops. 2012-2017
Policy Forum – Establishing an UNRWA Teachers’ Policy, UNRWA: Jordan. 29-31 March 2011
MENA-OECD Governance Program and Joint Learning Studies on Integrity: Implementing a Code of Conduct for the Public Sector; Amman, Jordan. 03-05 August 2010
SPSS workshop, Ramallah, Palestine. 2010
Building Capacity for the Commission for Developing the Teaching Profession CDTP, through UNESCO,. London, UK. (1-9) November 2009
Arab Robotics Open Championship,. Amman, Jordan. (27-29) March 2009
Building Capacity for Teacher Education Strategy study visit through UNESCO. Finland. (9-19) Nov. 2007
International Computer Driving License (ICDL) (60 hours), HULUL, Ramallah, Palestine. Aug. 2007
ICT in Education Regional Meeting, British Council, Cairo, Egypt. (28-30) Apr2007
ICT in Education Regional Conference, British Council, Amman, Jordan. (25-27) Feb2007
School Focused Development Conference, , British Council, Amman, Jordan. (5-7) Nov.. 2006
Training Skills, (50 hours), Assabq Society for creative Thinking, Palestine. summer 2006
Training and Human Resource Development Conference, The Hashemite University – Center for Studies, Consultation & Community Service (CSCCS), Amman, Jordan. (27-29) June. 2006
Train the Trainers TOT, European Institute of Public Administration – European Center for the Regions (EIPA – ECR) Lisbon, Portugal. (13-17) Mar. 2006
ICT in Education Regional Conference, British Council, Cairo, Egypt. (28-30) Mar2006
Strategic Planning, (20hours), National Institute for Administration, (PECDAR), Palestine. Oct. 2004
Code of Ethics, (20hours), , National Institute for Administration, (PECDAR)  Palestine. Sep. 2004
Train the Trainer TOT in Management and Leadership, (35hours), UNICEF, Palestine, June 2004
Management and Leadership, (35hours), , UNICEF, Ramallah, Palestine, May-June 2004
Teaching Methodologies that Promote More Effective Learning, International Visitor Program IVP., USA. Jan 24th  2004 – Feb 16th  2004
Teacher Training Directors Conference, Tripoli, Libya. September (13th – 19th ) 2003
Training of Trainers TOT, (30hours), Birzeit University, Ramallah, Palestine. Dec,2003
Seminar on Elementary and Secondary School Education for Palestine, at Kyushu International University (KIU), Feb. 5, – March 14, 2002. JAPAN
Project Management Workshop (35 hours), , PASSIA, Ramallah, Palestine. Feb. 28 – Mar. 3 /2001
Access workshop (60 hours), , Ramallah, Palestine. 7 – 9/2000
Cognitive Acceleration through science Education CASE/CAME Conference. UK. 10-18 May 2000
Cognitive Acceleration through science Education CASE/CAME Conference. UK 10-18 May 1998
Summer Teaching and Curriculum Institute, Harvard Graduate School of Education and Ministry of Education, Ramallah, Palestine. 4-26 July, 1995
Participating in more than 1000 hours for trainees and trainers in education strategies, project management, administration, planning, leaderships human development, ICT and digitization